Landscape Observatory Västra Götaland

Ett rött hus med vita detaljer står på en äng. En stengärsgård omgärdar huset och en trägrind delar gärsgården.

Landscape Observatory Västra Götaland is a collaborative platform for strengthening the role of the landscape in social development in a sustainable and efficient manner.

Landscape Observatory Västra Götaland aims to supplement and support increased co-operation and coordination for different sectors of society in regional development. The landscape holds many complex issues that require further interaction between all the social interests that claim land and water. For example, the connections between urban and rural and water management are major issues where heritage can make decisive differences. All too often, the issues are falling in the pipes, alternatively they are not managed at all, as there is no coordinating forum at national or regional level.

Västarvet and Gothenburg University, the Department of Cultural Conservation, has a large international network of actors who have worked for a long time with the European Landscape Convention and with the formation and operation of landscape observatories. These contacts are valuable for the formation of a landscape observatory for Region Västra Götaland, and there is intentions to support the Region Västra Götaland in this work. The Cultural Council's international network is also an asset in the ongoing work.

A landscape observatory Västra Götaland can contribute to:

  • increase collective capacity to meet climate change challenges and thus also contribute to increased resilience, which is in line with sustainability development goals.
  • reduce the risk of silo planning and ensure that important issues around the landscape really are handled.
  • support and strengthen coordination of national, regional and local exploitation interests through improved support based on a holistic landscape perspective.
  • strengthening citizens' opportunity to participate actively in valuation and management of the landscape, which is a prerequisite for social sustainability.

The project aims to test for a period of two years to operate a landscape observatory in order to, on the basis of the experience gained, propose how a longer-term business should be designed. The starting point is an operational activity that will work with at least three practical cases, test collaborative forms, draw intentions with collaborators, map skills, build an information platform and document the processes.


The Västra Götaland Region Cultural Council and the municipality of Mariestad have signed an agreement concerning Dacapo.  Mariestad, will run the formation of a landscape observatory for Västra Götaland in collaboration with Gothenburg University and Västarvet. The Landscape Observatory refers briefly to a meeting place and interaction platform for government-based activities, citizenship and exploitation and occupational interests in general, where the starting point is a holistic view of the landscape.

As part of a preliminary study, Dacapo conducted an international seminar on landscape observatory on April 19, 2018 at the residence in Mariestad. On the basis of the discussions and the knowledge that emerged in the seminar, the preliminary study in a proposal from the cooperation parties outlined how a landscape observatory for Västra Götaland can develop through a two-year trial period.


Västarvet is project owner responsible for process management, corresponding to an 80% service. The process manager leads a working group consisting of representatives of the partners; Västarvet, Municipality of Mariestad through Dacapo and Gothenburg University.

The work is reported twice a year to the Regional Department of Culture, where the "case" that is the basis of the trial activity can be evaluated at hand and concluded with an evaluation of the trial activities and a proposal for how a further business can be organized. Dacapo Mariestad offers a network of actors related to landscape issues such as Gothenburg University with landscape education, the Biosphere Reserve Vänerskärgården with Kinnekulle and Chalmers with research on urban / rural-related issues and spatial planning.


Create a meeting place and collaborative platform for government-based activities, citizenship influence and exploitation and user interests in general, where the starting point is a holistic view of the landscape.