Sustainable Transportation

Foto: Thomas Harrysson

By adopting more efficient technology, more renewable fuels, smarter logistics solutions and new habits, we can realise both more long-term sustainable transportation and the opportunity to create new jobs in Västra Götaland.

Our sustainable transportation programme covers all aspects of the transport sector and will help Västra Götaland achieve 1) its regional goals concerning becoming a fossil fuel-independent region and 2) national goals concerning creating a fossil fuel-independent vehicle fleet.

The programme’s objectives are as follows:

  • Transportation in Västra Götaland will be efficient and greenhouse gas emissions from fossil-fuel consumption will be reduced through a transition to low-carbon fuels
  • Increasing Västra Götaland’s innovative capacity through cooperation with the private and public sectors and researchers
  • Developing technology and services in the region that are then shared/exported to help reduce fossil fuel-consumption globally
  • Supporting public transportation stakeholders’ need to develop, test and demonstrate solutions in cooperation with other parties.

Hans Fogelberg

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