R&D Centre Gothenburg and Södra Bohuslän

Photo - streetview of R&D Gotheburg and Södra Bohusläns office buildning

Research and Development Centre Gothenburg and Södra Bohuslän

We support public and private primary staff who have an interest in primary care research. You are welcome to contact us regarding all kinds of research-related matters, i.e., discussing new research ideas or ongoing projects.

Book a desk

If you work within primary health care, you can book a desk in our office. Contact R&D centre Göteborg and Södra Bohuslän to receive username and password.
Do not forget to turn off your computer, turn off the light, and close the door when you leave.

Kontakt och besöksuppgifter till FoU primär och nära vård Göteborg och Södra Bohuslän


Visitor address

Guldhedsgatan 5A
413 20 Göteborg