Internship and probationary service

Region Västra Götaland’s ambition is, as far as possible, to offer internship and probationary service to doctors, nurses, dentists and other individuals in licensed professions who live in Västra Götaland.


In order to obtain a training place with us, you require a decision from the National Board of Health and Welfare which states that your basic training has been assessed and approved. You also need a relatively good knowledge of the Swedish language.

A great deal of training for students and others takes place in Region Västra Götaland and therefor we are unable to promise training places at a particular clinic during a particular time. Hospitals, health centers and dental clinics accept trainees if there is time, space and resources. 

It is also worthwhile to look for a training position at private hospitals, health centres and dental clinics. 

Contact us

In order to show your interest in training or an internship, you are welcome to directly contact our hospitals, health centres and dental clinics. 

Contact information

Probationary service 

In order to obtain an internship you must have passed the mandatory proficiency test and have a decision from the National Board of Health and Welfare. You need to be proficient in Swedish and have a formal language certificate, C1, SVA3 or TISUS. We also recommend that you should also have taken the National Board of Health and Welfare's course in constitutional knowledge before beginning probationary service.

Note that once the internship is completed and approved, you must wait for the National Board of Health and Welfare's assessment. During that period, you may not work independently, but only as an assistant or equivalent, until your licence has been issued. More information about how probationary service works and how it is assessed is available from the National Board of Health and Welfare.

Apply for a licence to practise - Socialstyrelsen

Application for probationary service 

If you are eligable and wish to show interest in probationary service in Region Västra Götaland you can use the link below. Your personal information will, during six months, be available for our hospitals and primary health care centres and you may be contacted by our Human resources department if they are interested in offering probationary service. The information is only available in Swedish. 

Please note that the exception regarding practical test before probationary service will be removed on May 31st 2024. That means that after that date you need to pass both the theoretical and the practical test before the probationary service can begin. 

Application for probationary service

Linda Olsson
