Reducing School Failures

All children have the right to an education. Education develops individuals’ personalities and their awareness of their intrinsic value and is a cornerstone underpinning a child’s future development and opportunities. The Reducing School Failures project represents a concerted effort to help the region’s school pupils graduate from compulsory education with passing grades. It aims to give children and youths the preconditions for life-long learning through promotional and preventive initiatives.

Focus areas for Reducing School Failures


Solving complex problems requires the combined efforts of a number of stakeholders. Both effective methods of communication and trust are needed to avoid friction and jurisdictional clashes.

As a public authority, Region Västra Götaland bears a major responsibility for combating the serious trend of local students failing to graduate from compulsory education and for contributing to a good life for everyone who lives in the region.

Mental Health

Mental illness in childhood results in poorer academic performance and limits a person’s future prospects in adult life. Given that current mental health-promotion initiatives fail to reach all families, children and youths, we are now working to identify and address mental illness among these groups at an early stage.

Life Circumstances & Lifestyle Choices

How can we join forces to identify risk factors when interacting with families or children and youths and offer forums that help them develop? By providing the right support to children and parents with difficult life circumstances, negative patterns passed down from generation to generation can be overcome.

Motivation to Study

Youths who quit school often view academic study as meaningless, since they have difficulty seeing the connection between their studies and their future goals. Together, we can strengthen the relationship between study and working life.