
The research at our Institute is practitioner oriented. Primary care, occupational health care and workplaces are our most important targets with regard to using the knowledge from our research. d perspective.

The research at our Institute is practitioner oriented. Primary care, occupational health care and workplaces are our most important targets with regard to using the knowledge from our research.  A significant proportion of patients seeking primary care and occupational health care today are seeking for mental and somatic symptoms that largely are attributable to high stress levels. It is important to increase the knowledge of how to diagnose and treat, but above all, how to prevent stress-related problems and these issues are widely studied by our research group.  We also focus on research and development with regard to healthy workplaces, particularly the organizational perspective, manager’s situation and gender aspects. The combined knowledge from our different research areas gives us unique opportunity to form an overall picture of working environment and health, and thus better opportunities to translate knowledge into practice from a broad perspective.

Our main research areas:

Stress-related disorders and biological aspects of stress

Healthy workplace

Physical activity