Children and Young Persons – Psychiatry Clinic, Skövde

Visit and Contact Details

Contact Us

Phone number



Opening hours

  • Mon - Fri 8:00 - 17:00

Visitor address

Lövängsvägen 1
549 49 Skövde

Show adress on map

Show adress on map

External directions

Gula Gatan Plan 8

Internal directions

Gula gatan plan 8 Målpunkt M

Västtrafik - Trip planner

Postal address

BUP mottagning med akutansvar Skaraborgs Sjukhus Skövde
Lövängsvägen 1
541 85 Skövde

We receive children and young people under the age of 18 who are suffering from mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, or compulsive behaviour.

Responsible for this department

Linda Carlfjord, enhetschef

Visit and Contact Details

Contact Us

Phone number



Opening hours

  • Mon - Fri 8:00 - 17:00

Visitor address

Lövängsvägen 1
549 49 Skövde

Show adress on map

Show adress on map

External directions

Gula Gatan Plan 8

Internal directions

Gula gatan plan 8 Målpunkt M

Västtrafik - Trip planner

Postal address

BUP mottagning med akutansvar Skaraborgs Sjukhus Skövde
Lövängsvägen 1
541 85 Skövde

We receive children and young people under the age of 18 who are suffering from mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, or compulsive behaviour.

Responsible for this department

Linda Carlfjord, enhetschef